For more than 35 years, Bettilou Taylor served as professional staff on the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. Her service in the House of Representatives included senior assignments on three of the panel’s key subcommittees, including the Department of Transportation, Commerce-Justice-Science, and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Her experience affords her a broad and deep knowledge of how the appropriations and authorizing processes work, how decisions are made—and how best to influence those decisions.

During her 23 years in the Senate, Bettilou Taylor served as senior staff and then as Staff Director of the largest domestic appropriations subcommittee, the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Her ability to work with both sides of the aisle earned her the lasting respect of senators and colleagues alike, as well as the appreciation of the many organizations that she has worked with during that time.

Her extensive experience includes working with Cabinet officials, agency administrators, budget officers and program staff to develop and advance congressional priorities through the legislative process. Her expertise cuts across a broad swath of federal programs, including:

  • Public health, science and medicine

  • Education

  • Defense

  • International Development

  • Commerce

  • Justice

  • Agriculture

Bettilou is an expert on federal appropriations issues and provides her clients with guidance on process, strategy and solutions in developing a legislative agenda to solve complicated issues through the authorizing and appropriations process. Click here to view a list of awards and special commendations.